A.A. Medovikov, V.I. Lebedev
Variable time
steps optimization of Lω stable Crank-Nicolson method. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN: 0927-6467 (Paper) 1569-3988 (Online) Volume 20, Number 3, June 2005
R. Cortez, L. Fauci, A. Medovikov
The method of
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application to helical swimming. Physics of Fluids 17, 031504 2005(has been selected for the
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Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research)
A. Abdulle, A. Medovikov
Second order Chebyshev methods based on
orthogonal polynomials. Numerische Mathematik 2001 V90.1. pp.1-18
Lebedev V.I., Medovikov A.A.
Method of second order accuracy with variable time steps.
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1998, , no. 9, 55--63; translation in Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ) 42
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Medovikov A.A.
Composition explicit methods for stiff ordinary differential
equations. Finite difference methods: theory and applications (Rousse,
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Medovikov A.A.
High order explicit methods for
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Medovikov A.A.
Third order explicit method for
stiff ordinary differential equations. Lecture Notes of Computer
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Medovikov A.A. (in Russian)
Solution of Cauchi problems for ordinary differential equations with
usage of the Chebyshev polynomials. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta
Kazakov A.N., Lebedev V.I., Medovikov A.A.
Increased accuracy Crank-Niklson schemes with
the variable time steps for non-stationary problems with
skew-symmetrical operators. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling 8
(1993), no. 1, 47--58.
Medovikov A.A. (in Russian)
Explicit and explicit-implicit methods of solution of stiff
differential equations. Ph.D. thesis Institute of Numerical Math. of
the Russian Academy of Science, pp. 1-130, 1993
Terekhov A.I., Medovikov A.A.
The dynamic model for the age
structure of research staff by taking the productivity factor into
account. Optimization of multi criteria dynamical problems OZPI. 1991.
Medovikov A.A. (in Russian)
Optimization of explicit methods of solution of stiff ordinary
differential equations. New information technology- theory and
applications.OZPI, 1992.
Medovikov A.A. (in Russian)
Solution of one "unusual" problem. Conjugate equations and
perturbation algorithms, Institute of Numerical Math. Russian Academy
of Science 1989.
Medovikov A.A. (in Russian)
The explicit methods of solution non-stationary problems. Conjugate
equations and perturbation algorithms. Institute of Numerical Math.
Russian Academy of Science 1989.